jeudi 31 juillet 2014

USD/JPY Diharapkan Rally Ke Target 103.46 - Jakarta, Forex Update Harian: USD/JPY

USD/JPY terus meningkat setelah kemarin breakout dari triangle pada daily chart. USD/JPY diharapkan mencapai tingkat target 103.46 di 3 hari perdagangan berikutnya . Autochartist mengatur tingkat stop loss untuk ramalan ini pada 101.08 (titik A). Breakout dari segitiga ini menyebabkan breakout terbaru dari level resistance kuat 102.80, membutuhkan tekanan bullish pada pasangan di sesi perdagangan mendatang.


Bearish EURUSD Dalam Perhatian, Pemulihan Bisa Terjadi - BofA Merrill - Jakarta, Ekuitas Eropa sedang mengatur untuk lebih rendah, catatan Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

"Penurunan impulsif dari high Juni dalam indeks 50 Stoxx Euro dan lebih luas head and shoulders atas dalam indeks Euro Stoxx Bank berikan tekanan jangka pendek, juga berpotensi jangka menengah, tren telah berubah bearish bukan jangka panjang," BofA proyek.

"Namun, di jangka pendek, EUR/USD bisa memberikan risiko tekanan yang lebih tinggi, mengingat menyelesaikan intra-hari Elliott wave dihitung dan keragaman bullish momentum," memperingatkan BofA.

"Dalam sesi ke depan, bukti mempertegas jangka dekat /squeeze konsolidasi tinggi berpotensi ke 1.3521 /1.3503. Namun, bouncing korektif dan tidak boleh melebihi zona 1.3574 sebelum besar kecenderungan untuk menurun kembali, " saran BofA.

"Pada akhirnya, bouncing tersebut harus posisikan Short, tetapi bearish trader harus berhati-hati pada tingkat saat ini," BofA menyarankan.

Sejalan dengan pandangan ini, BofA hold posisi Short EUR/USD dari 1.3594 penargetan 1.3212.


Gold - Fokus Support Kunci Emas Untuk Tentukan Tren Selanjutnya - Jakarta, Emas babak belur oleh gelombang Buck, tapi dukungan jangka pendek duduk di 1272

Save haven emas yang aman secara tradisional telah gagal untuk tangkap tawaran minggu ini. Pada kenyataannya, emas telah menurun kuat ke low 6-minggu di bawah $1290. Kekuatan gigih dolar AS tidak diragukan lagi salah satu faktor terbesar mengemudikan emas lebih rendah; Semua hal yang sama, jika nilai dolar meningkat, itu akan mengambil lebih sedikit dari mereka untuk membeli satu ons emas. Selain dari itu, emas juga ditekan oleh melemahnya permintaan fisik dari Asia, konsumen utama.

Gambar teknis untuk emas masih bearish dalam jangka pendek. Seperti disebutkan di atas, emas turun di bawah kunci support sebelumnya di daerah $1290, berpotensi bisa berjalan lebih rendah. Sementara itu, MACD tren lebih rendah di bawah baris sinyal dan tingkat '0', sementara RSI terus menemukan resisten dekat tingkat '60', menunjukkan kecenderungan untuk menurun secara keseluruhan.

Meskipun ada sejumlah besar tanda-tanda bearish jangka pendek, pola teknis berkembang menunjukkan kita bisa fokus pada support kunci dekat $1272. Selama dua minggu terakhir, fluktuasi emas telah menciptakan pola basis Fibonacci geometris disebut Bullish Butterfly, tetapi nama pola bukanlah hal yang sangat penting. Apa yang penting adalah bahwa ada sebuah pertemuan tiga tingkat dukungan pada $1272 (161.8% Fibonacci perpanjangan XA, 161.8% Fibonacci ekstensi BC dan ABCD pola penyelesaian), meningkatkan kemungkinan sebuah pantulan dari daerah itu. Selain itu, RSI 4H di wilayah oversold jika harga mencapai lantai potensi itu oleh awal minggu depan, menambahkan faktor bullish yang lain ke dalam campuran.

Sebagai pengingat, pola ini akan hanya diaktifkan jika emas perdagangan ke tingkat $1272, dan laporan NFP nanti akan bisa menentukan arah. Seperti pedagang mungkin ingin fokus pada bouncing kembali menuju $1300 jika harga mulai berbalik lebih tinggi dari $1272. Sementara itu, break di bawah $1272 akan menunjukkan bahwa tren bearish sangat kuat dan bisa mengekspos $1280 atau bahkan $1240 (7 bulan rendah) dalam beberapa minggu mendatang.


USD/CAD – Loonie Meningkat Dari Rilis PDB Kanada - Jakarta, USD/CAD turun di bawah tingkat 1.09 dalam sesi Kamis kemarin, Dolar Kanada telah menghentikan slide yang baru. Loonie menerima beberapa bantuan yang sangat dibutuhkan seperti PDB Kanada mengalahkan perkiraan dan diposting kenaikan 0,4% pada bulan Juni. Klaim pengangguran AS melunak, datang di 302 ribu.

Dollar Kanada telah memiliki seminggu menguat, seperti USD/CAD naik di atas 1,09 untuk pertama kalinya sejak pertengahan Juni. Loonie telah menunjukkan beberapa kehidupan pada hari Kamis, berita positif yang tak terduga dari PDB Kanada. Kunci indikator naik 0,4% pada bulan Juni, merayap di atas perkiraan 0,3%. Kanada PDB dirilis secara bulanan, daripada triwulanan, dan ini adalah indikator yang terbaik menampilkan sejak Februari.

Di AS, klaim pengangguran naik minggu lalu, memukul 302 ribu. Ini adalah dalam harapan, seperti perkiraan berdiri di 303 ribu. Kita akan melihat data ketenagakerjaan kunci pada hari Jumat, seperti rilis Nonfarm Payrolls AS dan tingkat pengangguran. Pada awal minggu, ADP Nonfarm Payrolls melunak, dan pasar yang menguatkan untuk membaca lemah dari rilis Jumat NFP, yang bisa mendorong dolar melawan rival utamanya.

Di AS, Advance PDB melonjak Q2, posting keuntungan 4,0%. Ini dengan mudah mengalahkan perkiraan 3,1%. Meningkatkan kegiatan ekonomi didorong oleh kepercayaan konsumen yang kuat dan kegiatan usaha di Q2. Dolar telah menanggapi secara positif, keuntungan meluas posting. Pada awal minggu, kepercayaan konsumen CB menunjuk optimis konsumen AS. Kunci indikator melompat ke poin 90.9, menghancurkan perkiraan 85.5 poin. Ini adalah indikator tingkat tertinggi sejak bulan September 2007. Kepercayaan konsumen erat dilacak oleh analis karena konsumen yakin mungkin untuk meningkatkan konsumsi, yang sangat penting bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi.


Strategi Bearish Di AUD/USD - Morgan Stanley - Jakarta, Morgan Stanley beralih ke strategi bearish mengutip lingkungan investasi global lebih menantang yang berkembang sebagai akibat dari data AS yang lebih kuat yang telah memicu penurunan tajam dalam AUD/USD minggu ini

"Aussie data terus menurun tajam di 2Q, sambil izin membangun telah juga melambat," catatan MS.

Secara teknis, MS melihat AUD/USD break lebih rendah dari range hari melalui DMA 100 yang melemahkan outlook.

"Kami sekarang kembali ke strategi bearish, mencari area sell saat rebound di daerah 0.9350," MS Strategi.

"Kami sekarang mencari penurunan terhadap 0.9200/0.9185 , dengan sasaran jangka menengah di 0.9000," rencana MS .

Sejalan dengan pandangan ini, MS pasang limit order untuk Sell AUD/USD di 0.9350, dengan stop di 0.9450 target 0.90.


IMF Menanggapi Rencana Kenaikan Pajak Penjualan Baru di Jepang - Jakarta, IMF mengatakan pada hari Kamis bahwa Jepang menaikkan pajak penjualan lagi untuk mengatasi beban utang publik. Ini datang setelah pemerintah Jepang membesarkan pajak penjualan dari 5% ke 8% di April 2014, dan pembuat kebijakan masih membahas kenaikan baru sampai 10% untuk dilihat pada tahun 2015.

Demikian kata IMF dalam laporan tahunan negara bahwa tingkat tinggi utang publik membuatnya penting bagi pemerintah untuk menaikkan pajak konsumsi kedua, dalam upaya untuk membangun catatan disiplin fiskal.

Namun, pajak yang lebih tinggi menyebabkan penurunan pada pengeluaran dan permintaan konsumen domestik , yang membuat ekonomi Jepang kehilangan kekuatan untuk mendorong menuju pemulihan. Pemotongan pengeluaran juga memimpin untuk penjualan ritel jatuh di bawah perkiraan pada bulan Juni, sementara output manufaktur meluncur 3,3%, Perdana Menteri Shinzo Abe rencana untuk mendorong pajak penjualan sampai 10%.


Setelah Libur Idul Fitri - Rupiah dibuka melemah - Jakarta, Rupiah dibuka melemah sekitar 300poin ke 11850 (dari 11550). Pelemahan ini juga didukung oleh menguatnya USD di pasar.


Why sleep when you can trade?

Expanded Trading Hours for SPX & VIX in Q3


Cord stem cells.

Weely Option Trade 2

Over the last two weeks RFMD and TQNT have been powerful while the Market has not been. When RFMD was $10, big buyers of the Sept $12s and $13s were big, today during the pull-back I bought 140 Sept $11 Calls for $.80 per contract. RFMD and TQNT are suppose to combine and create a monster company, they have both beaten earnings expectations, crushing estimates over the last few Qs.

The Chart is scary to the Fast Money guy who also joined us, but he bought in RFMD at a higher price! You could get it cheaper than him and Traders who bought Sept $13s at $.60 if we start to tank. I like going out further in time but the action is centered for the September 20 Calls at $12-$13 price points. They paid $.40-$.60, if you get your RFMD September $11s or $10s for $.80, your far ahead of people who paid $.60 on the $13.00s!

Open Interest Sept $13 Calls is 15,895, this week my scanner picked up a 22,000 call trade on Sept's $13 Strike.

Wisc Supreme Court upholds Scott Walker’s public-sector collective bargaining reforms

Upholds voter ID law too

By M.D. Kittle | Wisconsin Reporter

MADISON, Wis. — After three years of legal battles, the war for Gov. Scott Walker’s cornerstone public-sector collective bargaining reforms is over, with the state Supreme Court on Thursday upholding Act 10 in its entirety.

Altogether, it was a big day for conservative causes. Wisconsin’s high court also ruled in favor of the state’s controversial voter ID law, but that matter is far from settled.

The Supreme Court, in a 5-2 decision, with liberal Judge Patrick Crooks begrudgingly agreeing Act 10 is constitutional, put an exclamation point of approval on the public employee labor law that sent thousands protesters to the state Capitol and 14 Democratic senators fleeing across the state line in a bid to stop it.

All but one liberal Dane County judge had concluded Act 10, which holds wage negotiations to the rate of inflation, ends automatic union dues deductions, and requires annual union recertification votes, meets constitutional muster.

The lawsuit was originally brought by Madison Teachers Inc. and Public Employees Local 61, AFL-CIO.


Hi Guys,

I am looking for some help with my strategy.

I feel it will work better if I have the speed to execute. Is there anyone here that can help with this or point me towards the right direction in how go about this?

Any HFT trader willing to share the speed?

Thank in advance for your help guys.....

When Entertainment Passes for Investment Advice

When Entertainment Passes for Investment Advice

When Entertainment Passes for Investment Advice

69 JUL 30, 2014 2:18 PM EDT

By Noah Smith

In the world of financial media, it can be hard to separate news and analysis from entertainment. Ever since the crisis, financial entertainment seems to have shifted from hot stock picks to big macro theories. One advantage of spouting macro theories instead of stock picks is that it can take years for you to be proven wrong. Another is that you get to mix politics with economics, which is good for grabbing attention and building up a loyal following.

The undisputed king of macro-tainment is Peter Schiff. Schiff has managed to combine the most effective form of political entertainment -- right-wing talk radio -- with the most popular and addictive flavor of macro-tainment, Austrian economics. Schiff was elevated to dizzying heights of popularity after 2007, when one of his many, many, many, many bubble calls proved to be right. Since then it has seemed like Schiff is everywhere -- I’ve seen his face on three banner ads in three different magazines just this morning.

But it’s tough to be the king, because ambitious dukes and barons are always angling for a shot at your job. For the last several years, Schiff has been dogged by a determined and prolific critic -- finance blogger Michael “Mish” Shedlock.

In a way, Shedlock seems like he should be a natural ally of Schiff, or even a fan. Both avow that they are students of the “Austrian school.” Schiff’s asset-management company is called Euro Pacific Capital, while Shedlock’s is called Sitka Pacific Capital Management. Even their last names go well together -- “Shedlock & Schiff” would be an incredibly catchy title for a show. But in fact, the former has been criticizing the latter since 2007.

The big Shedlock-Schiff dust-up came in 2009, when Shedlock released an epic post titled simply: “Peter Schiff was Wrong.” Here is Shedlock:

I have talked with many who claim they have invested with Schiff and are down anywhere from 40% to 70% in 2008. There are many other such claims on the internet. They are entirely believable for the simple reason Schiff's investment thesis was flat out wrong...

(L)et's discuss the main points of Schiff's thesis...

· US Equity Markets Will Crash.

· US Dollar Will Go To Zero (Hyperinflation).

· Decoupling (The rest of the world would be immune to a US slowdown).

· Buy foreign equities and commodities and hold them with no exit strategy...

[Schiff's] investment thesis centered on shorting the dollar in a hyperinflation bet, and buying foreign equities rather than shorting US equities...What happened in 2008 was that foreign equities sold off much harder than US equities, and a strengthening US dollar compounded the situation.

In other words, Schiff failed where it matters most: Peter Schiff did not protect his client's assets.

Shedlock goes on to back up his criticism with a number of Schiff quotes predicting a dollar crash, hyperinflation and other things that never happened. For each prediction, he includes charts showing just how wrong Schiff turned out to be. If you want to see the dangers of investing based on macro-tainment, Shedlock’s post is Exhibit A.

Now, in the world of macro-tainment-cum-asset-management, them's fightin’ words, to say the least. It took a few years, but in 2012 Schiff fired back with a post entitled “Mish Shedlock Exposed.” Here is Schiff:

Despite [Shedlock's] criticism of my performance, his own performance is undeniably horrible over the long term. Just about the worst investment decision one could have made was to send money to Shedlock's firm in January 2009. Since then, global stock markets and foreign currencies have rebounded sharply and Shedlock's clients have completely missed the gains...

Shedlock has been warning about the specter of deflation for years, and his strategies are apparently designed to guard against this outcome. However, like Linus sitting in that pumpkin patch, it's been eight years, and the Great Pumpkin has yet to appear...

More significantly, if investors really feared deflation and simply bought U.S. Treasuries instead of giving their money to Shedlock, they would also have been much better off. Apparently Shedlock has succeeded in developing an investment strategy that underperforms under both inflation and deflation! So, when it comes to the inflation/deflation debate, no matter which camp wins, Shedlock's clients still lose.

Schiff’s post includes a list of spreadsheets and calculations comparing Schiffian strategies with Shedlockian, and purporting to show the former crushing the latter.

Unfortunately, attempts to get the two in the same room for a debate have not yet been successful.

It might seem strange that these two are fighting, since both profess to be followers of Austrian economics. And indeed, as observers of the debate such as currency trader and blogger Simit Patel have noted, the two do agree on a number of basic ideas:

It's crucial to note that Schiff and Shedlock agree on quite a bit. Such as:

· Gold will rally

· US stocks will decline

· Japanese yen will appreciate

Every one of these predictions has turned out to be the exact opposite of what has happened in the last couple of years. Austrianism makes for great political tub-thumping and fun end-of-the-world scenarios, but if you forget that it’s fundamentally a form of entertainment, your portfolio could be in big trouble.

In fact, my own basic message is something I’ve said before: Macro-tainment contains no actionable information. If you’re one of the few people who can listen to radio shows and read blog rants about poorly defined, wordy macro theories without your investment strategy being influenced by it, then by all means, grab some popcorn, open up Zero Hedge, turn on Peter Schiff's show. But for most of us, it’s crucial to recognize that macroeconomics is something that even the world’s smartest economists still don’t understand very well, and that political ideology and economic reality don’t mix.



There are links in the article not cited here.

Oh damn, ZeroSense was cited; maybe it was because ZS criticized the academic a couple days ago? Kinda petty.

Obamacare fail # 1748 - 55% increase in cost in CA

As someone who saw his monthly health insurance premium double from $780 in 2013 to $1,460 this year, I was interested to see how long it would take for California’s Democrat leaders to fess up that there is nothing affordable about their version of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).

Facing political shock and awe as ten million working Californians are soon to get notices of big insurance premium increases for next year, Democrat Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones admitted July 29th that rates for individuals that enrolled in Covered California jumped by an average of 55% last year.

Patrick Johnston, Chief Executive Officer of the California Association of Health Plans, said last year just before the launch of Covered California, “The arithmetic is inescapable.” Costs must be spread, so while some consumers will see their premiums drop, others will pay more – “no matter what people in Washington say.”

After two years of swearing that Covered California would save money for working state residents, Insurance Commissioner Jones in a news conference said, “The rate increase from 2013 to 2014, on average, was significantly higher than rate increases in the past.” He eventually got around to admitting that "significantly higher" meant average healthcare insurance premium increases of 22% to 88%.

Jones also admitted for the first time that Covered California health insurance premium increases were the most punishing for young people in Los Angeles County age 25. The Commissioner stated rates jumped for the middle-of-road “silver plan” coverage by 52% for the young versus 38% more for the same plan for someone age 55.

The biggest contributor to this cost increase appears to be those paying for health insurance to subsidize the 1.5 million increase in the state’s Medi-Cal enrollment to 8.6 million or 22% of the entire population of the State of California.

The exploding costs of Covered California and other “affordable” regulations help explain why 81 to do business in the nation for the last three years running. This is reflected in the grim detail that California’s unemployment rate for the last three years has been at least 50% higher than the unemployment rate in neighboring Mexico.

BNPP - USD Terus Mengumpulkan Momentum,Tetap LONG USD - Jakarta, BNP Paribas, "Momentum terbalik USD terus meningkat pekan ini, dibantu oleh 2 years yield AS yang mencapai tingkat tertinggi 3 tahun terakhir dengan nilai di atas 57bp."

"Tingkat pertumbuhan tahunan yang kuat yaitu sebesar 4% yang tercatat untuk GDP Q2 ditambah dengan revisi ke atas Q1 telah mengurangi kekhawatiran tentang perlambatan US H1. Pernyataan FOMC telah mengakui adanya kekhawatiran yang berkurang mengenai risiko penurunan inflasi dan dinamika pasar tenaga kerja yang lebih baik, tetapi gagal untuk meningkatkan USD lebih lanjut setelah adanya kejutan positif GDP, "BNPP menambahkan.

"Pada hari Kamis, pasar akan fokus pada laporan mingguan jobless claims, yang menunjukkan beberapa rebound dalam pengajuan klaim setelah jatuh ke posisi terendah 14 tahun terakhir dari 284k pekan lalu, dan laporan PMI Chicago yang memperlihatkan perbaikan dalam berbagai survei Fed yang telah dirilis, "perkiraan BNPP.

Sejalan dengan kondisi ini, BNPP tetap konstruktif pada dolar dan terus memegang posisi LONG USDJPY dan posisi SHORT EURUSD.

Sumber :


EUR/USD: 5 Skenario untuk Menghadapi NFP - Jakarta, Kita akan segera berhadapan dengan data NFP (Non-farm Payroll) yang akan dirilis pada hari Jumat (1 Agustus) jam 19:30 WIB, yang akan menjadi sangat penting mengingat bahwa sektor tenaga kerja akan tetap menjadi fokus utama dan dapat berimplikasi mempengaruhi kebijakan-kebijakan the Fed untuk kedepannya.

Secara teknikal, EUR/USD berada dalam kondisi bias bearish, dengan level-level resisten dan support sebagai berikut: 1.3500 (R3), 1.3450 (R2), 1.3400 (R1), 1.3335 (S1), 1.3295 (S2) dan 1.3200 (S3).

5 (lima) Skenario untuk menghadapi NFP (ekspektasi/konsensus: 230K, periode sebelumnya: 288K) adalah sebagai berikut di bawah ini:

Skenario 1

Data aktual sesuai ekspektasi: 225K - 235K

Jika skenario ini yang terjadi, EUR/USD masih akan naik namun masih di dalam range, dengan kemungkinan yang kecil untuk break lebih tinggi.

Skenario 2

Data aktual di atas ekspektasi: 236K - 248K

Skenario ini akan berisiko menyeret turun EUR/USD hingga di bawah S1 atau di bawah 1.3335 dan mengancam S2 (1.3295).

Skenario 3

Data aktual di atas 248K

Kemungkinan ini kecil, namun jika skenario ini terjadi maka akan berisiko break di bawah S2 atau di bawah 1.3295, dan mengancam S3 (1.3200).

Skenario 4

Data aktual di bawah ekspektasi: 212K - 224K

Skenario ini akan berisiko break di atas R1 (1.3400) dan mengancam R2 (1.3450).

Skenario 5

Data aktual jauh di bawah ekspektasi: di bawah 212K

Pada skenario ini, EUR/USD bergerak upside di atas R2 (1.3450) dan mengancam R3 (1.35).

Sumber:, Kenny Fisher


Children Fleeing Violent Honduras Heading to Violent Chicago

Forex Price Action Trading Course

Hello, I have two price action courses with trading signals/setups to resell. I would like to give them back to somebody for a good price.

Nial Fuller’s Professional Forex Course

FXJake Daily Trader Program

If you are interested, send me a PM or email.



Analisa Teknikal Harian EURUSD, USDCAD, USDJPY, dan NZDUSD 31 Juli 2014 oleh SEB - Jakarta, Berikut ini adalah analisa harian untuk EURUSD, USDCAD, USDJPY, dan NZDUSD yang telah disediakan oleh tim analis dari SEB Group.

EURUSD: Kemungkinan akan ada sedikit rebound. Support di level 1,3375-50 menarik beberapa pembelian kemarin, dan menghasilkan penurunan panjang kemarin. Hari ini ada perkiraan harga akan naik lebih tinggi, tetapi perlawanan batas resisten di level 1,3405-15 harus di break untuk mengkonfirmasi kelanjutan minat beli jangka pendek dan demikan ada kemungkinan berlanjutnya kejatuhan indikator 'Tenkan-Sen' 8 harian dimana sekarang berada di level 1,3445.

USDCAD: Menuju level kunci 1,0960 ref. Untuk jangka pendek ada pergerakan naik lebih tinggi yang membentuk kaki dan setelah break up dari level resistensi di 1,0845 kemarin, harga ditutup dekat dengan level utama tertinggi di 1,0960. Perkiraan fibo 161.8% jangka pendek menunjukkan level 1,0990 sebagai level resistensi yang akan membalikan harga. Support jangka pendek terletak di 1,0830 dan 1,0790.

USDJPY: Fokus pembalikan arah setelah peningkatan yang cukup besar kemarin. Peningkatan kemarin merupakan yang terbaik dalam beberapa bulan terakhir. Pergerakan ini juga telah melewati titik keseimbangan antara bulan Mei - Juli dan untuk jangka pendek perkiraan fibo 261,8% berada di level 103. Support berada di sekitar 102,35 dimana level tersebut merupakan level resistance sebelumnya. Level resisten berikutnya masih sulit diraih karena berada di level tertinggi tanggal 4 Apr di level 104,15.

NZDUSD:Kemungkinan rebound menuju 0,8560. Rebound kecil mungkin akan terjadi setelah adanya downside yang terputus kemarin. Dalam jangka waktu dekat, kemungkinan terlihat adanya koreksi menuju 0,8560 sebelum harga turun lagi. Resistensi dinamis seharusnya secara efektif dapat menghambat kenaikan yang lebih dari 0,8595 dan menjaga level 0,8720 dari kenaikan.



Hedging shares with options

I'm in a bit of a dilemma when trying to hedge my stocks with call and put options.

I am trying to figure out how many put options I would need to purchase to hedge 1,000 shares of MD stock by 50% . Each put that I want to purchase has -.50 delta.

How do I construct a 50% hedge?

Basically I want to buy enough put options that will protect the shares by at least 50% in case the stock goes down

ZN pickoff yesterday 28k+

anyone else notice the 28000 lot that picked off what didn't necessarily look like an honest bid yesterday after the close? i think it was at like 230 or something like that someone came in for 12k bid at 124200 then bumped it to 22k and then went to 32k and someone 1 clicked through them and there was a 28XXX print in the time and sales. that's the largest execution i can remember seeing in the open markets since the zf was ratio.

a-d near record low for year




Time to replace my ancient system ...need some help please

so, I have an old dell that's been my dedicated trading computer for the last 12yrs.

Specs (cuz im sure you all will get a good laugh) pentium 4 2.25ghz 1.0 gb ram 1 agp 64mb nvida geforce 440 2 pci nvida 32mb 400mx's 3 monitors and a partridge in a pear tree.

I run TS and IB tws on this setup and it still does the job. (I trade some stocks but mostly ES or NQ in the morning ...somewhere around 5-20 trades per morning) BUT, it's time for a new system.

Here are some specs my friend suggested (computer dude) but he's more of a gamer type. I need something stable and doesn't break. I don't need the latest and greatest. It just has to be reliable.

Microsoft Windows 8.1 64-bit thinking I'd do better with windows 7 since im used to this windwos XP interface.

Tuneup Utilities 2013 - 1 PC not sure what the hell this is

COUGAR Archon Black Computer Case

Item #:N82E16811553013

SAPPHIRE Radeon HD 7770 GHz Edition 100358-2L Video Card

Kingston HyperX 8GB 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 Desktop Memory

LITE-ON DVD Burner SATA Model iHAS124-14

Intel Core i5-4440 3.1GHz (3.3GHz Turbo) LGA 1150 Quad-Core Desktop Processor

ASRock B85 Pro4 ATX Intel Motherboard

Item #:N82E16813157387

CORSAIR CXM series CX430M 430W Power Supply

Western Digital WD Black WD5003AZEX 500GB 7200 RPM 64MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive

bottom line - i would like to spend under $1k I said I don't need the latest and greatest. like to run 3-4 monitors. This computer isn't going to do anything else except play youtube vids and store family pictures on it.

thank you in advance.

Michelle wants to go home?

Maybe Michelle would be happier in Africa ....

I have had the pleasure of traveling to Africa many times over the years, including four trips as first lady, and I have brought my mother and my daughters along whenever I can.”

And we taxpayers just love paying for your trips ..........

When All Else Fails Blame "Free Markets"

When All Else Fails Blame "Free Markets"

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

It's rather amazing how people blame "free markets" for things that are 180 degrees removed from "free markets".

For example, and in response to Political Greenwashing: US Exports Coal Pollution to Europe; What About China? reader Over Exposed writes "Excellent example of a complete and utter failure of the free market to deal with pollution".

I see and hear this every day. I would have hoped that people would have learned by now what a "free market" is and isn't.

--- Chinese State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) are not "free markets"

--- Chinese growth targets at any cost are not "free markets"

--- Interest rate manipulation in the US have nothing to do with "free markets"

--- Chinese and Swiss National Bank currency manipulations have nothing to do with "free markets"

--- Ben Bernanke's and Janet Yellen's 2% inflation target - horrendously applied - and ignoring asset bubbles are as far removed from "free markets" as you can get.

Complete fools blame the "free market" for problems 100% caused precisely because we do not have "free markets".

Popular Myths

Contrary to popular myth, free market libertarians do not support slavery, anarchy, or pollution. Rather, we strongly believe in property rights and human rights. No one can own anyone else.

No one can kill you, steal your goods, or damage your property. Laws and regulations that protect property rights and prevent fraud are welcome.

It is amazing how people clamor for more regulation to cure problems caused by regulation and excessive interference in free markets.

Can We Please Try "Free Markets"?

We've tried everything else, and it did not work. Can we please try "free markets" with the minimum number of regulations and laws needed to preserve property rights, preserved human rights, and prevent fraud?

Sadly, I suspect the answer is no. Neither vested interests nor jackasses who have no idea what is really going on, want "free markets".

It's a powerful combination, and we all lose because of it.

USD/JPY: Fokus pada Pergerakan Upside Setelah 102.35/75 Diterobos - SEB Group - Jakarta, Analis SEB Group berpandangan bahwa fokus USD/JPY saat ini adalah pada pergerakan upside. Berikut di bawah ini adalah catatan mereka:

"Kemarin adalah pergerakan bullish dengan range candle terlebar (dengan Low 102.03 dan High 103.08) setelah USD/JPY menaklukan level penting 102.35 dan 102.75. Namun hal ini juga akan berisiko retrace untuk menguji candlestick mid-body di kisaran 102.35.

USD/JPY masih harus menaklukan resisten penting berikutnya di level harga 104.15 yang beberapa bulan yang lalu terlihat begitu sulit untuk diterobos."

Sumber:, SEB Group


EUR/USD: Ada Risiko Bouncing, Kami Tetap Sell dengan Target 1.3250 - Credit Suisse - Jakarta, Analis Credit Suisse mengatakan bahwa EUR/USD telah melewati support 1.3474 yang menjadi level 50% retracement dari pergerakan upside tahun 2013 - 2014. Berikut di bawah ini adalah pandangan mereka:

"Kami mencari break di bawah 1.3374 yang dapat membuka peluang untuk mengejar target 1.3248/28 yang menjadi level 38.2% retracement dari pergerakan uptrend tahun 2012 - 2014. Kami melihat ruang untuk penurunan lebih lanjut menuju 1.3020/15, dan kemudian 1.2755.

Sebaliknya untuk pergerakan upside, resisten tercatat pada harga 1.3422/27, dan 1.3445/56. Break di atas level ini akan dapat mengurangi bias bearish untuk kemudian mengejar resisten berikutnya di kisaran 1.3486/95."

Sumber:, Credit Suisse


ECB Berada Dalam Mode Wait And See - Jakarta, Kutipan dari UniCredt Research:

Menurut perkiraan Eurostat flash, inflasi zona euro turun menjadi 0,4% yoy pada bulan Juli dari yang sebelumnya 0,5%, menyentuh level terendah baru. Tingkat inti sebesar 0,8% yoy. Data CPI saat ini tidak memiliki implikasi materi untuk pertemuan ECB minggu depan. Tidak diragukan bahwa inflasi masih jauh di bawah target ECB dan mungkin sedikit lebih lemah dari perkiraan ECB pada bulan Juni.

Namun, Dengan core inflation hanya di bawah 1% dan adanya tanda - tanda stabilisasi, ECB dapat tetap berada dalam kondisi wait and see sekaligus menilai keefektivitasan dari langkah - langkah kebijakan yang diumumkan pada bulan Juni. Ada potensi pelonggaran inflasi lebih lanjut bulan depan sepertinya tidak mungkin untuk mengubah kondisi saat ini.

Sumber: FxWire Pro - Research & Analysis


I want out of EXC

Good Idea?

I own EXC at $40 and now trades at $31. Would it be a good idea to sell a call at $32? I may be able to pick up some cash if it sits there under the $32 stike or finally say goodbye if it goes into the strike price.

I am not overlooking something if I do this?

tmttwaiwrltp trading journal

Hi new to this site and aiming to keep a trading journal on my way to creating an income from FX trading.



LONG USDJPY oleh Societe Generale 31 Juli 2014 - Jakarta, Kutipan dari Societe Generale Cross Asset Research:

Peningkatan USDJPY sudah berlangsung lama, dan di bulan Januari kami profit taking karena tren mulai mereda dan terlihat adanya posisi short Yen yang terlalu berlebihan.

Dengan adanya pemulihan AS yang menjadi landasan yang kuat, dan Amerika Serikat 10 years yield siap untuk bergerak lebih tinggi, kami yakin ini adalah waktu yang tepat untuk masuk kembali LONG USDJPY.

LONG USDJPY pada 102,60 dengan TARGET sementara di 105,00; dengan STOPLOSS jika penutupan harian dibawah 101,70.


Ninjatrader lifetime users?

Any ninjatrader lifetime users? Looking for some pre-purchase feedback, please pm me.

Looking partnership for CME DMA trading.


I like offer deal with my as with quant and trading system developer and programmer under the 50/50% profit split base.

I researched and developed HFT model for CME E-mini.

This model need CME IOM status leasing at least for reduce the CME fee and DMA for reduce latency (at least 500 microseconds in peak time from the order from exchange before the report from exchange with received report).

On chart below I calculated the model with CME IOM leasing fee (for 71 trading days - i have CME quotes for this period).

I tried run myself via but they have big latency for me. FYI - My model need 500 microseconds latency in peak time.

I'll pay for first 3 month Aurora hosting (like start with Then we will split hosting fee under 50/50% base.

During the first month of live connection I'll able check market latency and model performance. Then I'll able run model live for 30-50 lots (sure I'll start from 1-3 lots and then increase it step by step).

And I'm guaranty that I'll able compensate any losses after live tests.

Notice that I have already researched and developed model that I run via (C++ for RHEL) and I'll able run quickly.

My estimation that I'll able run 30-50 lots with average daily $300-350 profit per lot.

Then I can run FESX on EUREX - my model will work for this futures also.

My model do not spam exchange and really available for start under the exchange order send/cancel conditons.

I like offer set term of agreement to 12-18 month for CME & EUREX.



Analisa Teknikal Harian AUD/NZD 31 Juli 2014 - FXOptimax - Jakarta, Aussie Kiwi- memiliki false breakout dalam AUD/NZD di level resistance kunci pada 1.1021 setelah harga berupaya menembus level resistance kunci ini. Kita mungkin akan melihat harga jatuh lebih rendah dari sini dan pedagang dapat mempertimbangkan SELL pada tingkat resisten kunci ini. Tingkat support kunci berikutnya tidak terlihat sampai 1.0824.


7 Pokok Penting Tentang USD Pasca FOMC Fed - Nomura - Jakarta, Setelah cukup besar bergerak selama dua hari terakhir, dolar telah bergerak sedikit setelah pernyataan FOMC (yang hanya berisi perubahan kecil).

Namun demikian, Nomura berpikir bahwa tindakan harga dolar diatur untuk mempercepat FOMC setelah break out secara luas akhir-akhir ini. Nomura menguraikan 7 alasan dibelakang pandangan ini.

Pertama, data AS menunjukkan tanda-tanda jelas kekuatan AS memasuki babak kedua.

Kedua, semua komentar dari juru bicara Fed, termasuk Williams, Forest dan Fisher, dll, telah baru saja terdengar lebih hawkish daripada dari Yellen dalam pernyataannya kemarin. Dan Plosser's perbedaan pendapat pernyataan FOMC hari ini adalah contoh lain dari ini.

Ketiga, kita semakin dekat ke Fed tentang akhir dari pembelian aset (diatur ke berakhir pada Oktober). FOMC akan harus berpikir keras tentang bimbingan ke depannya.

Keempat, US index mulai bergerak lebih independen global (setelah global korelasi yang abnormal tinggi untuk jangka waktu). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan suku bunga memiliki potensi untuk keluar dari 'Short Order'.

Kelima, 'Short' cenderung menjadi lebih mudah menguap seperti likuiditas Fed suntikan tapering off.

Keenam, akhir QE3 pada bulan Oktober mungkin peduli untuk dynamics dolar dengan sendirinya, meskipun efek ini mungkin sebagian besar harga saat ini.

Ketujuh, gambar aliran global sedang mengalami perubahan materi, yang dapat mendukung dolar.

"Untuk alasan ini, kami berpikir tindakan harga dolar dalam beberapa hari ini adalah sinyal dari apa yang ada di market untuk periode Agustus sampai Oktober," Nomura menyimpulkan.


Career trader's perspective on living off trading profits vs living on salary?

Care to share your perspective and your own experiences?

There is a broad spectrum of backgrounds from those who become career traders that risk their own capital in the market to survive. In this context, I don't mean professional traders who are working for a firm and receive a salary/bonus (e.g. prop traders or bank traders, etc). I'm referring to those that risk their own net worth on the markets to make a living, even if you're still considered 'retail' by the mainstream. These traders may have had a job in the past, they may have been an entrepreneur, or they be completely green straight out of uni/college/high school without prior job experiences.

One of the advantage of having a job is salary. Its seen as safe (in the short term anyways). More often than not, with a job you put in time and exchange it with a salary. Often jobs comes with perk such as job security, i.e. union protection or long term contracts, which help to guarantee one's employment and hence one's paycheck to live on. Another perk is if you are laid off, you can often get government assistance to help you live for a while.

Contrast this with a professional trader. As the saying goes, "a trader eats what they hunt". So like a lion in the sub saharan dessert, you're constantly on the look out for your next prey. Your very survival in this world relies entirely on your ability to score a hunt. You don't have job security enjoyed by others. But in exchange you may get freedom. You do what you want in your own time. You answer to no one. But every day, you risk your capital to make capital. Not only can you simply not earn a profit, you can even sustain substantial losses that can put you in a worse position. Darwinian survival of the fittest probably plays out much faster in the trading world than the job world, where only truly the strongest can survive and the weakest will perish.

In many ways, a professional trader is like an entrepreneur of whom also rely on themselves and their abilities to live. The only differences are only in the nature of their business (i.e. trader vs market; entrepreneur vs customers). Both risk their own capital to make something of their lives and hopefully a living.

So, as someone who may be a career trader, how do you view the "salaried job vs trader vs entrepreneur" situation?

One thing I always look at the situation is, first of all, any and all profits ever earned to date from the market, I don't consider it realized even if they are in accounting contexts. What I mean is, you may have made money today or in the past, but you are constantly putting that money back into the market to bet again risking substantial losses. The market really can take it away from you the next day. I find some traders are too confident in themselves thinking they have a 'fool proof strategy'. Everyone trader who has made money in the long term likely has a working trading plan. But not everyone should be so confident that their plan means they can never give money back. E.g. Karen supertrader once commented she 'never gives back' the premium she earns from the market selling OTM options -- I laugh at this philosophy ("honey, the market will take it back when it takes it back.").

Also, very often I hear people make a huge win (maybe a lucky preearnings play and a gap move), and then they immediately splurge on the winnings. I think this is a rookie mistake. I learned very early on that the market can take everything back and even realized gains are only temporary on the longer term time scale.

Overall, I live very frugally with my wins, as if I have no profit at all because the way I see it is, as long as I am still in the market, I am exposing myself to losses.I long for the day when financial independence is reached because the only time I will really spend and relax, is the day I retire and no longer betting on the market. Whats your attitude to trading profits?

EDIT: You can get a pretty good perspective from in the documentary "Floored: Into the Pit" which showcased some successful and some failed traders. Some of these guys could be betting houses worth of capital on every trade. Some have made and/or continue to make a lot of money. Some have lost everything (after perhaps having made a lot of money at one point in their career). Keeps your grounded.

CYNK Cost Me My Job!" Trader Say's

Euro Menurun Pasca Positif Data AS - Jakarta, Pada hari Rabu Euro/dolar menurun dengan 50 pips. Mata uang Eropa disusutkan dari 1.3416 untuk 1.3366 kemarin, pencocokan sentimen negatif hampir 15%, close harian di 1.3394. Pagi ini Euro dalam perdagangan diam-diam, dengan gerakan-gerakan dalam range kemarin sampai sekarang.

Pada chart 1 H channel bawah masih memegang, sementara pada chart 3 H channel masih utuh. Istirahat di atas resisten terdekat dan high kemarin di 1.3416 dapat memicu penguatan lebih lanjut terhadap Euro. Breakout di bawah hari ini bawah dan support pertama di 1.3366, akan mengkonfirmasi kelanjutan dari tren bearish, ke arah tujuan berikutnya ke bawah 1.3252.

Harga bergerak di bawah 20 dan 50 EMA pada grafik 1 H, menunjukkan tekanan bearish yang ramping. Nilai indikator RSI netral dan tenang, MACD negatif dan tenang, sementara CCI telah tipis cross naik 100 baris pada grafik 1 jam, memberikan atas semua sinyal yang netral.


mercredi 30 juillet 2014

AUD/USD - Rilis PDB AS Telah Menenggelamkan Aussie - Jakarta, AUD/USD telah lemah pada hari Rabu kemarin, perdagangan dalam kisaran rendah-0.93 dalam sesi Amerika Utara. PDB Advance AS rilis sangat baik, melompat 4% di Q2. Di tempat lain di AS, ADP Nonfarm Payrolls melunak pada bulan Juni, dan Federal Reserve akan merilis sebuah pernyataan kebijakan di keesokan harinya. Ada tidak ada rilis Australia pada hari Rabu, tetapi kita akan mendapatkan fokus pada Australia izin bangunan di awal hari tadi.

Di AS, Advance PDB melonjak Q2, rilis keuntungan 4,0%. Ini dengan mudah mengalahkan perkiraan 3,1%. Meningkatkan kegiatan ekonomi didorong oleh kepercayaan konsumen yang kuat dan kegiatan usaha di Q2. Sementara itu, ADP Nonfarm Payrolls mampu mengikuti. Indikator kunci kerja turun menjadi ribu 218, dibandingkan dengan 284 ribu sebulan lebih awal. Ini baik dari perkiraan 234 ribu.

Jika kepercayaan konsumen CB menjadi indikasi, US konsumen brimming dengan optimisme tentang ekonomi. Kunci indikator melompat ke poin 90.9, menghancurkan perkiraan 85.5 poin. Ini adalah indikator tingkat tertinggi sejak bulan September 2007. Kepercayaan konsumen erat dilacak oleh analis karena konsumen yakin mungkin untuk meningkatkan konsumsi, yang sangat penting bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi.


IB TWS new Options Selector

Is it me or did they make this harder to use than the old version?

I bring up the selector, has all the quote data now which is a nice improvement.

But I see no way to easily bring all the displayed/marked contracts into the quote page. There is an option for ALL, that inserts every damn contract for the month, but nothing for only the DISPLAYED contracts (selectable by number of strikes)

You have to manually click on each call/put for every option you want? The previous selector let you mark what you wanted and batch load those only.

Can't be.

Financial Literacy

These are great times for traders and investors to work on their level of patience in the marketplace. Remember, that you don’t have to make a trade for the sake of making a trade. Knowing why you will not make a trade and knowing why you will make a trade and why type of trade is called financial literacy!

They are going to sue my beloved presidente

Yes, those bad boys on the evil .................................................................................................... ............right,

are going to Sue, Sue, Sue the greatest president since Nixon.

I'm deeply ashamed.

Looking for the next "hot stock"

Gentlemen, I am looking for the next "hot stock". I got 100k to invest (no, it´s not my Bar Mitzvah money nor my Christmas gift - it´s actually the profit I made in shorting Russian Rubles in the last couple of weeks).

The lady in red above is my "Thank you" (don´t stare at the tits!!!!)


Watch your esignal bill

Esignal may be trying to increase your esignal 12 bill by $241 for options analytix without you realising.

Billionaire's Club using Eco Issues to screw taxpayers

There aren’t a lot of functioning democracies around the world that work this way where you can basically have millionaires and billionaires bankrolling whoever they want, however they want, in some cases undisclosed. What it means is ordinary Americans are shut out of the process." Barack Obama, White House press conference, Oct 2013.

Yes, indeed. But the millionaires and billionaires doing the damage are Obama's allies on the liberal-left, not his enemies on the right. So says a devastating report published today by the US Senate Committee on the Environment and Public Works.

The report details how an elite group of rich liberal donors such as Tom Steyer and Hank Paulson - "the Billionaire's Club" - is directing and controlling the far-left environmental movement, "which in turn lobbies and controls major policy decisions and lobbies on behalf of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)."

Ekonomi US Akan Meningkat Sekitar 2% Tahun Ini - Jakarta, Kutipan dari Capital Economics:

PDB AS tidak hanya di kuartal kedua saja yang mengalami rebound sebesar 4,0% yoy, namun penurunan pada kuartal pertama turun menjadi 2,1%, dari yang sebelumnya 2,9%, dan revisi lain menunjukkan perekonomian tumbuh pada laju yang lebih cepat dari periode H2 tahun lalu.

Hasilnya, sekarang ini terlihat ekonomi AS akan tumbuh sebesar 2% tahun ini, lebih tinggi dari periode sebelumnya 1,7%. Laporan PDB ini mendukung perkiraan kami bahwa ekonomi membaik dan akan membujuk Fed untuk mulai menaikkan suku bunga bulan Maret tahun depan.

Sumber: FxWire Pro - Research & Analysis


DHS Goons Seize Vehicle For Emissions Issue

Homeland Security Agents Raid Home to Seize Land Rover For Violation of EPA Regulations

Protecting America from the deadly threat posed by vehicles which flout emission standards by Paul Joseph Watson | July 29, 2014

6,226 768 63


In another example of how the Department of Homeland Security has expanded far outside the purview of its original function, six vehicles full of DHS agents were required to seize a Land Rover from a couple in Statesville, N.C. due to the fact that the vehicle allegedly violates EPA emission standards.

As part of its mission to “protect the Homeland,” the DHS has been busy seizing imported vehicles that don’t comply with safety and CO2 regulations.

Jennifer and Bill Brinkley were satisfied that their $60,000 dollar purchase of a Land Rover Defender on eBay complied with regulations because it fell into the exemption category of a vehicle 25 years or older.

However, when DHS agents turned up at the property, they compared the car’s Vehicle Identification Number to a list and immediately seized the Land Rover. The couple were not given “a chance to debate the issue.”

WBTV’s Steve Ohnesorge said DHS agents conducted “almost like a raid to get the car.”

“it’s just unnerving the way they did it,” said Bill Brinkley.

The feds have given the Brinkley’s 35 days to appeal the seizure but refuse to tell them where the vehicle is located. The DHS has also failed to respond to media requests about the incident.

The Department of Homeland Security, created in the aftermath of 9/11, was tasked with the role of protecting America from terrorists, man-made accidents and natural disasters. However, the DHS has been turned into a national police force with a remit that extends from seizing websites for copyright infringement to confiscating fake NFL merchandise.

As the Rutherford Institute’s John Whitehead explained in a widely circulated article last month, the DHS is becoming America’s domestic standing army.

“The menace of a national police force, aka a standing army, vested with so much power cannot be overstated, nor can its danger be ignored,” wrote Whitehead, before listing numerous examples of how the DHS is instrumental in pushing America’s decline into a militarized police state.

One such example occurred earlier this month in Greenville, North Carolina, when teams of armed DHS agents showed up outside a courthouse building. There was no threat to the building – the purpose of the agents’ presence was to “let people know they’re in the area,” while encouraging residents to snitch on their neighbors via the ‘See Something, Say Something’ program.

In another incident, the DHS conducted a military-style invasion of a small town in Illinois complete with armored vehicles, a Black Hawk helicopter and a phalanx of heavy duty equipment and weaponry. It subsequently emerged that the reason behind the show of force – which spooked locals – was to apprehend one man for downloading indecent images on his computer.

Given this history, the Brinkleys should probably count themselves lucky that they didn’t have guns pointed at their head during the seizure of the Land Rover, which the DHS apparently sees as a bigger threat to America than the nation’s porous borders and the fact that the TSA, a subdivision of the DHS, allows illegal aliens to board planes without identification

Louisiana Republican Flees Interview When Asked About Obama's Birthplace

A Republican congressional candidate fled her interview with a major election-forecasting group after being asked why she believed global warming was a hoax and whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States, according to a new report in The Washington Post.

In the Post, David Wasserman, the House editor at the Cook Political Report, detailed his strange encounter with the "frightening" and "fact-averse" Louisiana State Rep. Lenar Whitney.

Whitney, who is running for Louisiana's open sixth district, gained some prominence in June when she released a campaign video blasting global warming as a "hoax" and the press as "lamestream media." Wasserman said he pressed Whitney on the issue of climate change only to find her unable to answer his questions.

"But it’s not unreasonable to expect candidates to explain how they arrived at their positions, and when I pressed Whitney repeatedly for the source of her claim that the earth is getting colder, she froze and was unable to cite a single scientist, journal, or news source to back up her beliefs," he wrote.

Wasserman said he attempted to "change the subject" and ask whether she believed Obama was born in the United States. Her aides then ended the interview.

"When she replied that it was a matter of some controversy, her two campaign consultants quickly whisked her out of the room, accusing me of conducting a 'Palin-style interview,'" he continued. "It was the first time in hundreds of Cook Political Report meetings that a candidate has fled the room."

Business Insider By Colin Campbell

Nanex alternative

Looking for Nanex alternative, at price tag around 100$/month. A feed that can provide price information of all stocks with 1 second frequency. Any ideas? Thanks.

Outlook Weekly USD/JPY: Inilah yang Ditunggu-tunggu, Kemungkinan Breakout Descending - Jakarta, Pasca rilis data AS (Advance GDP q/q) yang diluar dugaan memposting angka positif di atas ekspektasi market, telah mampu membawa USD/JPY melejit dan sejauh ini berhasil menerobos resisten Weekly 102.79. Dan barangkali inilah yang ditunggu-tunggu, bahwa ada kemungkinan breakout dari formasi Descending Triangle yang dapat membuka gerbang bullish dalam skala menengah hingga jangka panjang.

Closing Weekly di atas 102.79 kemungkinan besar akan dapat menegaskan konfirmasi breakout tersebut, dan kemudian berhadapan dengan resisten berikutnya, 104.12. Break di atas level ini akan berisiko mengejar target level puncak 105.43.

B. Satrio Lelono, Forexindo


New Emails Show Lois Lerner Called Conservatives ‘A**holes’

New emails uncovered by the House Ways and Means Committee indicate that former IRS employee Lois Lerner has a strong dislike of conservatives, and at one point called them “assholes” in an email exchange.

The committee released an email Lerner received in November 2012 complaining about the “whacko wing of the GOP.” The person wrote Lerner that there are “too many foreigners sucking the teat,” and that the “right wing radio shows are scary to listen to.”

New emails uncovered by the House Ways and Means Committee indicate that former IRS employee Lois Lerner has a strong dislike of conservatives, and at one point called them “assholes” in an email exchange.

The committee released an email Lerner received in November 2012 complaining about the “whacko wing of the GOP.” The person wrote Lerner that there are “too many foreigners sucking the teat,” and that the “right wing radio shows are scary to listen to.”

Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-Mich.) said this exchange shows the has a “deep animus towards conservatives,” which may have explained her efforts to target conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status.

“This email shows that Ms. Lerner’s mistreatment of conservative groups was driven by her personal hostility toward conservatives,” Camp wrote in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder. ”This new evidence clearly demonstrates why Ms. Lerner not only targeted conservatives, but denied such groups their rights to due process and equal protection under the law.”

Camp’s letter recounted that his committee has found that Lerner personally directed the IRS to audit Crossroads GPS, the group run by Karl Rove, and hinted at seeking a job with Organizing For Action, the group aimed at helping to re-elect President Barack Obama.

Political dynasties at work in this year’s Senate races

Here’s the good news: you don’t have to wait until the 2016 presidential race to see political dynasties in action.

Liberals Love the 'One Percent'

Great article.

Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen has said the central bank's goal is "to help Main Street not Wall Street," and many liberal commentators seem convinced that she is advancing that goal. But talk to anyone on Wall Street. If they are being frank, they'll admit that the Fed's loose monetary policy has been one of the biggest contributors to their returns over the past five years. Unwittingly, it seems, liberals who support the Fed are defending policies that boost the wealth of the wealthy but do nothing to reduce inequality.

This perverse outcome is not the Fed's intent. It has kept interest rates near zero in an effort to combat the great recession of 2008-09 and nurse the weak economy back to health. Many analysts will argue that the recovery might have been even worse without the Fed's efforts. Still, the U.S. economy has staged its weakest recovery since World War II, with output up a total of just 10 percentage points over the past five years. Meanwhile, the stock market has never been so high at this point in a recovery. This is the most powerful post-recession bull market in postwar history, with the stock market up by a record 135% over the past five years.

The Fed can print as much money as it wants, but it can't control where it goes, and much of it is finding its way into financial assets. On many long-term metrics, the stock market is now at levels that fall within the top 10% of valuations recorded over the past 100 years. The rally in the fixed-income market too is reaching giddy proportions, particularly for high-yield junk bonds, which are up 150% since 2009.

It's no secret who owns most of these assets. The wealthiest 1% of households, according to a study by Edward Wolff (National Bureau of Economic Research, 2012), now owns 50% of all financial wealth in the U.S., and the top 10% owns 91% of the wealth in stocks and mutual funds.

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Getty Images/Imagezoo

Over the past decade, easy-money policies also have fueled the rise of an industry that transforms raw commodities—from soybeans to steel and oil—into financial products, such as exchange-traded funds, that can be traded like stocks. Hundreds of billions of dollars have poured into these products. In many cases, large investors hold the commodities in storage, driving up demand and the price.

On average, prices for commodities from oil to coffee to eggs are up 40% since 2009, double the typical commodity-price rebound in postwar recoveries. Though rising prices for staples such as these are inconsequential expenses to the rich, they are burdens for the poor, who spend about 10% of their income on energy and a third of it on food. Meanwhile, since bottoming in 2011, median house prices have risen four times faster than incomes, putting homes out of reach for many first-time buyers.

Leading Wall Street figures such as Stanley Druckenmiller and Seth Klarman are warning that the Fed is blowing dangerous asset-price bubbles. These warnings—given political suspicion of the financial community—seem only to confirm liberal faith in the Fed. Economists including Joseph Stiglitz and Brad DeLong cling to the hope that at least some of the easy money helps to create growth and jobs. Yet the abnormally low cost of capital is giving companies another incentive to invest in technologies that replace workers, rather than hiring more workers.

Some liberals are skeptical even of the basic premise that easy money is fueling higher asset prices. As Paul Krugman put it, "for the most part" the money printed by the Fed is piling up in bank reserves and cash. While banks are generally reluctant to lend, the fact is that commercial and industrial loans in particular are increasing rapidly, and much of that credit is reportedly going to financial-engineering projects, like mergers and share buybacks, which do more to increase stock prices than to create economic growth.

There is no doubt that easy money is boosting the stock market. Low interest rates are driving investors out of money-market funds and into stocks, while they also allow wealthy investors to borrow money cheaply to buy more stocks. In the U.S., margin debt has more than doubled in the past five years to a record $438 billion.

Many liberal economists note that dire warnings of how the Fed's money printing would lead to runaway inflation have not come true. Overall consumer prices are indeed contained and the mandate of a central bank has traditionally been to control consumer prices. But that target is out of date. In a global economy, rising competition has a restraining effect on consumer prices because producers can shop around for the lowest-cost country in which to make goods like clothes or flat-screen TVs. The effect on asset prices is the opposite, as the supply of houses and stocks is relatively limited, and because demand is rising, as investors seek higher returns than the near-zero interest rates they can get at the bank. That is why investors are bidding up asset prices, even as consumer prices remain stable.

There is a fundamental shift in the challenge facing central bankers, everywhere. Top Fed officials including former Chairman Ben Bernanke have argued that rising asset prices are less a risk than a plus, because the rising value of houses, stocks and bonds makes families feel wealthier, so they spend more and boost the economy. But monetary policy should encourage investments that will strengthen the economy and create jobs in the long term—not conjure an illusory "wealth effect" that is for now lifting mainly the wealthy.


Hello all traders,

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Zona Euro Sangat Rentan Terhadap Guncangan dari Lingkungan Eksternal atau Domestik - Jakarta, Kutipan dari Societe Generale Cross Asset Research:

Kawasan Euro masih sangat rentan terhadap kejutan eksternal atau terutama domestik. Di sisi eksternal, ketegangan geopolitik dan sanksi terhadap Rusia akan menyeret turun ekonomi kawasan euro.

Untuk Kawasan euro, transmisi saluran energi sebesar 20% dari gas yang dikonsumsi di Uni Eropa (UE) melewati Ukraina dan beberapa negara Eropa Timur sangat tergantung pada gas Rusia.

Asumsi dasar kami adalah bahwa biaya ekonomi jangka pendek untuk ekonomi Rusia akan dikelola dan Rusia tidak akan mengancam pasokan energi. Sebaliknya, arus berita yang berasal dari AS dan ekonomi China serta depresiasi Euro yang bertahap mulai membayangi.

Orders books (PMI, Ifo) menunjukkan bahwa ekspor kawasan euro akan meningkat dalam beberapa bulan mendatang. Tapi bagaimanapun juga China mendapat resiko teratas untuk satu hingga dua tahun horizon: Kami masih melihat adanya 30% kemungkinan dari hard landing ekonomi Cina.

Sumber :


Mathematical expectation

Can expected value be calculated in trading like one can calculate the (negative) expected value of casino games such as blackjack or roulette?

JP Morgan - 5 Strategi Untuk Bermain di Pasar FX Saat Ini - Jakarta, Dalam beberapa bulan ini volume tidak terlalu besar dan indeks dolar sedikit menarik, kata JP Morgan.

"Sekarang ini Volatilitas FX mengalami peningkatan keempat kali berturut - turut dalam jangka waktu mingguan dan kenaikan bulanan terbesar sejak bulan Januari. Volatilitas FX gagal jatuh untuk kedua kalinya pada tahun ini," catatan JPM.

"Apakah dolar akan mendapatkan level tertinggi baru atau hanya meringkuk kembali ke kisaran tahun 2014 dan hal tersebut tergantung pada indeks dolar, DXY tampaknya tidak akan terlalu berpengaruh sementara trade-weighted index JPM termasuk pasar mata uang negara berkembang akan berperan suatu saat nanti. Kami pikir kemajuan dari salah satu indeks membutuhkan tingkat suku bunga US yang lebih tinggi karena tidak ada cukup kebijakan atau data dari luar AS yang memberikan dampak besar untuk mendorong banyak mata uang non-dolar lebih rendah, "JPM berpendapat.

Jadi dengan kondisi tersebut dan dengen mempertimbangkan rentang yang dapat bertahan selama beberapa minggu lagi, JPM mengulas lima strategi untuk bermain pasar FX dalam lingkungan yang rendah volume ini.

1. Strategi yang jelas adalah tidak bertrading pada rentang musim panas dan memposisikan untuk USD breakout di Q4. Perdagangan akan baik - baik saja terhadap mata uang seperti EUR, JPY dan CHF dimana tidak ada biaya untuk dibawa.

2. Alternatifnya, fokus pada LONG USD terhadap mata uang dengan risiko istimewa, seperti NOK karena pernyataan dovish dari Norges Bank atau GBP karena referendum Skotlandia.

3. Strategi ketiga adalah untuk melakukan carry trade di pasar tunai. Kami hanya melakukan ini di pasar negara berkembang, karena keduanya membawa resiko yang disesuaikan jauh lebih tinggi daripada di G10. CNY merupakan mata uang pilihan kami. Untuk volume carry, BRL dan MXN merupakan pasangan teratas.

4. Strategi lain adalah perdagangan jangka pendek dimana pembalikan posisi tampak terlihat. SHORT GBP lebih disukai, meskipun posisi BRL juga terlihat cukup besar.

5. Akhirnya, investor dapat mempertimbangkan untuk menghapus elemen USD dan fokus pada cross currency. Kami pikir ada cukup perbedaan inflasi di Eropa untuk membuat perdagangan ini jadi menarik, tapi kebanyakan dari kami hanya menganggap pasangan tersebut sampingan untuk saat ini kecuali SHORT pada EURCHF. Sebaliknya, secara teknikal kami merekomendasikan SHORT CADMXN dan LONG MXNCLP.

Sumber :



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Only minorities can teach minorites

So I guess "those people" are OK with a policy where only white people can teach white kids. Yep, the country gets dumber by the day.

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PT Garuda Berjangka (d/h : PT Asia Pacific Futures) berdiri pada kwartal akhir tahun 2009, namun perizinan usaha sudah didapat pada awal tahun 2005 sebagai perusahaan Perdagangan Berjangka yang universal khususnya dalam layanan perdagangan derivative mata uang dan perdagangan saham dari setiap status pengetahuan dan pengalaman dengan pelayanan trading yang berkualitas tinggi. Ambisi dari Garuda Berjangka dan kekuatan tim keuangan dan teknis yang ahli adalah untuk menjadi pemimpin dalam semua urusan perdagangan Forex, Index dan Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi akan selalu menjadi mitra yang terpilih bagi para pelanggan, dan mitra kami.

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Pengumuman Kebijakan FED Kemungkinan Akan Berisi Beberapa Pernyataan Tweak Bulan Lalu - Jakarta, Kutipan dari BMO Capital Markets:

Pengumuman dari kebijakan FED kemungkinan akan berisi beberapa tweak pernyataan bulan lalu dikatakan bahwa tapering $ 10 miliar pembelian aset ditingkatkan menjadi US $ 25 miliar (mulai bulan depan) dengan rincian $ dari Treasuries ($ 15 miliar) dan MBS ($ 10 miliar). Kami menunggu pernyataan mengenai kapan pembelian aset akan berakhir (kemungkinan bulan Oktober), setelah pertemuan bulan Juni dimana pertama kali diperkenalkan gagasan ini dan kesaksian kongres Ketua Yellen baru-baru ini telah menegaskan hal tersebut.

Mungkin pernyataan kami selaras dengan Ketua FED Yellen, dimana jika data yang masuk terus mendukung perkiraan kami seperti adanya perbaikan yang terus berlanjut pada kondisi pasar tenaga kerja dan inflasi bergerak kembali ke tingkat 2 persen, Komite kemungkinan akan melakukan pengurangan lebih lanjut dalam laju pembelian aset pada pertemuan yang akan datang, dengan pembelian aset yang akan disimpulkan setelah pertemuan bulan Oktober. Berarti ada dua tambahan tapering MBS sebesar $ pada 17 September dan 29 Oktober, dan $ yang diikuti dengan jumlah sebesar $ untuk Treasuries.

Sumber: FxWire Pro - Research & Analysis


USD/JPY: Sedang Menguji Target 102.25 - 102.35 - SEB Group - Jakarta, Analis SEB Group menyampaikan bahwa USD/JPY saat ini sedang menguji target 102.25 hingga 102.35. Berikut di bawah ini adalah pandangan mereka:

"USD/JPY sedang menguji target 102.25 - 102.35 yang menjadi zona resisten penting. Break di atas zona tersebut akan berhadapan dengan 102.80 (High 6 Juni). Sementara pada sisi downside, area support berada di kisaran 101.95 hingga 101.75."

Sumber:, SEB Group


GBP/USD: Di Bawah 1.6930 Berpotensi Mengejar 1.6850 Hingga 1.6700 - SEB Group - Jakarta, Analis SEB Group berpendapat bahwa GBP/USD saat ini sedang menguji support dinamis Ichimoku Cloud. Berikut di bawah ini adalah pandangan mereka:

"GBP/USD sedang berhadapan dengan support dinamis Ichimoku Cloud. Pergerakan downside jangka pendek ini sekaligus juga berisiko adanya reaksi buyers. Penurunan lebih lanjut di bawah 1.6930 akan membuka peluang mengejar kisaran support 1.6850 hingga 1.6700.

Pada sisi upside, resisten tercatat berada pada level harga 1.7000/1.7015."

Sumber:, SEB Group


Analisa Teknikal Harian EUR/USD 30 Juli 2014 - XM - Jakarta, GBPUSD - sebuah tren bearish yang diperkuat setelah break di bawah tingkat kunci 1.7000 pada tanggal 24 Juli. Pasangan mendekati low 18 Juni 1.6926. Break di bawah ini akan menyediakan lebih lanjut kelemahan terhadap support berikutnya di 1.6849 yang didefinisikan oleh bagian atas Ichimoku cloud.

Tren jangka pendek masih turun ketika harga jatuh dalam channel. Tenkan-sen telah cross di bawah garis kijun-sen, memberikan sinyal bearish. RSI terletak di wilayah bearish di bawah 50, menambah struktur pasar bearish.

Namun, meningkatnya Ichimoku awan dan meningkatnya tren baris bisa menghentikan tekanan seller dan membantu pasar bouncing kembali. Resisten 1.7000 dan 1.7058. Pasangan saat ini telah menemukan dukungan di 50% Fibonacci retracement level 1.6692-1.7190.


Bloomberg Tradebook Spreader

Does anyone have any experience using the Bloomberg Tradebook Spreader?

On paper it solves all my problems with TT's Autospreader (GTC, stop order types, not needing the software running 24-7), which I'm currently using. However, the devil is in the details. And in practice I'm not sure how the performance is relative to TT's.


Quantitave Trading Techniques Recap and Questions

Hi ETers,

I'd like to review techniques relating to quantitative trading.

1. Stochastic Calculus

I understand it's uses for assets and options pricing, but have anybody

successfully use it for alpha generation in futures or fx trading ?

I came across this

After trying to implement the model outlined in the above paper, My resulting

model ends up generating signals very similar to an EMA cross.

Can the wizards in ET show me where I went wrong ?

Also there is a relatively new paper by Steve Shreve.

Too many maths, my head hurts, what does the above paper means ?

But Steve says that futures is an arithmetic brownian motion,

contrary to the DB quant in the first paper that assumes a gemoetric brownian motion.

Which one do you guys use for your models ?

Anybody using the discrete binomial or trinomial model ?

2. Genetic Programming

I've had some luck using this approach, any tips on setup you guys use for

distributed GP ? I'm using a java base JNI approach.

3. Neural Network

Having used NN for various pattern recognition work in the past I fail

to find its use for financial time series. If any NN users here can explain how they use it to trade

4. SVM

Got some intresting results using SVM with a linear kernel. Whats your experience ?

any suggestions on kernel type and c value ?

5. Clustering

For me i'm still using normal k-means, what are others popular clustering method

for financial time series ?

6. Bayesian Statistics.

Anybody using this in their model ?

7. Backtesting Platform for tick data

I'm using Multicharts.Net with bar magnifier, what about other ETers ?

I hope the masters of the universe in ET can chime in and start the ball

rolling here

Produksi Industri Jepang Jatuh Lagi, Menggagalkan Pemulihan Yen - Jakarta, Output manufaktur Jepang merendah semenjak Maret 2011, karena pengeluaran konsumen melemah setelah kenaikan pajak penjualan yang berlangsung pada bulan April.

Produksi industri dalam ekonomi terbesar ketiga dunia turun 3,3% di Juni dibandingkan dengan penurunan yang diperkirakan oleh 1,2%, sedangkan produksi meningkat 0,7% sebelumnya.

Pada catatan tahunan, produksi industri melompat 3,2% kurang dari perkiraan rata-rata sebesar 5,1%, sementara itu sebelumnya 0,1%.

Selain itu, penurunan output manufaktur datang bersama dengan penurunan ekspor, meskipun yen Jepang kehilangan 18% tahun lalu terhadap dolar Amerika. Ini juga disertai dengan melihat penurunan pengeluaran dan domestik permintaan konsumen, yang membuat ekonomi Jepang kehilangan kekuatan untuk mendorong menuju pemulihan.

Pemotongan pengeluaran juga menyebabkan penjualan ritel yang jatuh di bawah perkiraan pada bulan Juni karena kehilangan 7% antara bulan April dan Juni. Perlambatan dalam kegiatan ekonomi sebab dari rumitnya Perdana Menteri Shinzo Abe memberikan rencana untuk menaikkan pajak penjualan sampai 10% dari 8% pada tahun 2015, mencatat bahwa Menteri Taro Aso mengatakan bahwa pemerintah dapat membuat keputusan pada akhir tahun ini Apakah untuk menaikkan pajak penjualan.

Data hari ini menunjukkan produksi menurun di sebagian sektor, dari peralatan transportasi yang mencakup mobil jatuh 3,4% pada bulan Juni, sementara output dari desktop komputer dan ponsel juga menurun 9%.


XAG/USD - Silver Masih Ragu Sebelum Beberapa Berita Pentin AS Mendatang - Jakarta, Silver akhir akhir ini telah membuat banyak trader semakin bingung, tapi ada harapan yang tidak terlalu sulit untuk memahami jika memantul di sekitar tehnikal pattern yang ada di chart daily.

Setelah sentuhan yang kuat pada tren line bearish silver telah melihat jangkauan kembali ke bawah di falling wedge, dan itu tidak mengherankan mengingat bahwa pasar mulai memandang dolar AS. Seluruh perkiraan minggu ini diharapkan untuk menunjukkan hasil yang positif untuk ekonomi AS, apakah itu benar-benar benar masih harus dilihat. Namun, ini adalah tanda positif ketika peramal berharap dengan optimisme.

Jadi dengan falling wedge, hal ini biasanya berarti bahwa kita akan melihat bullish breakout lebih tinggi di beberapa titik. Namun saat ini pasar di 20,57 dan lebih lanjut menurun terlihat mungkin. Penargetan 20.04.-19.73 daerah yang ditunjukkan di masa lalu untuk menjadi titik balik dengan volume tinggi dan likuiditas di pasar. Trader pastinya akan mencari untuk menargetkan daerah ini juga.

Gerakan masih di harapkan ke bawah meskipun bisa berjuang jika data US lebih lemah dari yang diharapkan, namun, garis tren saat ini akan mungkin perangkap gerakan lebih tinggi dalam hal data AS yang lemah.

Secara keseluruhan, bearish sentimen tetap dalam jangka pendek sampai kita di bawah 20.00 dan data US yang kuat akan membantu memperpanjang mendorong ini lebih rendah. Kuat non-farm mungkin bahkan benar-benar menjadi kisaran kami menargetkan dan pastinya bearish menjadi tren baru.


NZD/USD - Apakah Kembali Rally Di Area Support Tren Kuat? - Jakarta, Dolar Selandia Baru telah terpukul untuk akhir-akhir ini, hal tersebut tercipta karena komentar dari Reserve Bank Selandia Baru (RBNZ) dan data komoditi yang lemah. Hal ini lebih lanjut diperkuat kemarin rilis terbarunya tentang ramalan pembayarannya susu Fonterra, sementara tidak rilis berita ekonomi di kalender ekonomi.

Dampak susu telah menghilangkan kepercayaan investor luar negeri tetapi memiliki dampak yang besar juga pada ekonomi, dan terutama ketika datang ke belanja, dan harga $6/kg yang akan memiliki dampak yang besar pada 4 miliar dolar akan dipotong dari ekonomi utama. Dengan kekurangan berada di dalam perekonomian, itu pasti akan mempengaruhi inflasi, yang sejauh ini telah sedikit lemah, dan sebagai akibatnya RBNZ telah memegang kembali dari menaikkan suku bunga. Ini bisa meragukan inflasi yang di harapkan bahkan sampai nanti tahun 2015.

Meskipun semua hal ini tidak menjadi malapetaka dan kesuraman kiwi dolar untuk trader forex. Ya, kita akan melihat kelemahan di NZDUSD dalam jangka pendek, tetapi dalam jangka panjang, hal ini masih sangat menarik bagi trader membawa suku bunga kembali lagi.

Saat ini NZDUSD berada zona penting untuk trader supaya bisa mengamati lalu beraksi setelah mengerti peluang selanjutnya. NZD telah dalam channel yang kuat untuk beberapa waktu dan sentimen bullish masih tetap meskipun kelemahan, dan membawa para trader akan mencari titik reversal di market dan mereka akan menemukannya di garis tren saat ini di market.


mardi 29 juillet 2014

Just let go!

Successful trading is letting go of all the fears and expectations you have of what the trade will do.

All you have to do when you see your edge is put on a trade and let it take its path.

Have no emotional attachment to the trade no matter what it does. For when you get to this emotional state you will become a successful trader.

By the way, practice this in all aspects of your everyday life.

Good luck!

Has there been any word on the details of the Optionshouse/TradeMonster merger?

I have accounts with both firms but do all my live trading with TM's platform. I'm wondering how this will play out in terms of fees and any software changes. I read the merger between the two was to happen in September.

Is there any more information floating around anywhere? Rumors? Scuttlebutt?

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Kami sebagai mitra atau partner dari FBS MARKETS, kami mendapat komisi dari spread yang anda bayar ke FBS MARKETS dan kami mengembalikan sebagian dari komisi kami kepada anda. Semakin banyak anda trading, semakin banyak pula rebate yang akan anda dapatkan.


Tentang FBS

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Kualitas pekerjaan dan keandalan perusahaan FBS, selain dari klien kami yang sangat puas, juga telah diamati oleh organisasi independen:

2013 - Broker Forex Terbaik di Asia Tenggara, Broker Terbaik di Asia, Program kemitraan terbaik, Platform trading terbaik 2013

2012 - Platform MT4 terbaik, Broker Forex Terbaik di Asia, Forex Broker Dengan Perkembangan Tercepat di Asia

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2010 - Broker Forex mini terbaik


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